Embers (Abiassa's Fire #1) - Waiting on Wednesday

Title: Embers (Abiassa's Fire #1)*

The Artist Librarian's Waiting on Wednesday pick is military romantic suspense author Ronie Kendig's jump into fantasy with Embers.
Author: Ronie Kendig
Release Date: Oct. 16, 2015 by Enclave Publishing

About the Book:
"He's Coming for Them. And the Kingdom.

Haegan and Kaelyria Celahar are royal heirs of the Nine Kingdoms, but Haegan is physically crippled. What chance does he have against Poired Dyrth, the greatest enemy the kingdom has ever faced, who wields fire with a power none can match?

Their only hope is forbidden: Kaelyria must transfer her fire-harnessing abilities to Haegan. When she does it comes with a terrible price: Haegan's disability is healed, but only by being transferred to Kaelyria. This act unleashes their father-king's wrath.

Haegan must flee the kingdom alone with two impossible tasks: Find a cure for Kaelyria and stop the coming war with the omnipotent Poired Dyrth."
Why I'm "WoW" about Embers:
Ronie Kendig is well known for her romantic military-themed suspense novels in the Christian fiction market.  Since her debut in 2010, she's garnered many accolades, including the 2012 Christy Award.  While I've only read a short novella of hers, my mom has read and enjoyed many of Kendig's books and I really want to get to her trilogies.  This series has me excited because Kendig's romantic suspense has been so praised and you know I love Christian fantasy ... I can't wait to see what she does in this novel.  I also think there are a lot of people who normally wouldn't read a fantasy novel that would pick up this book just because Ronie Kendig wrote it.  I know some people are usually skeptical of authors "crossing genres" but I think this might be really cool ... I hope she ups the romance compared to other titles in this genre and I'm loving that there are so much more Adult Christian fantasy out now (or at least, it doesn't seem to be marketed as a YA).

Who are authors that you think have successfully "crossed genres" and why?

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